Thorium Brotherhood Wiki


Race: Draenei
Age: Unknown
Birthplace: Argus
Class: Shaman
Professions: Leatherworking/Skinning
Affiliations: Hand of Argus

Appearance: She is stately and dark-skinned, with white hair usually swept up and away from her face. If visible, her skin bears an assortment of scars, most notably an arc extending from one corner of her mouth up her cheek and a jagged line across her neck.


Her expression is usually reserved and withdrawn, and she does not often look at people when she speaks to them. Despite the general timelessness of Draenei appearance, there is a wearyness in her eyes that implies that she has seen the passing of a good many years, and she seems to have little patience for nonsense. Despite that, however, she has a protective attitude about her fellow members of the Hand, and tends to look after them in a somewhat emotionally detached fashion.



Janikaa, pictured with Tanvir, Hasit and Dulari

Born ages ago on Argus in a time before the Draenei people counted time, Janikaa's family was torn into two sides with the Eredar conflict, with her brother remaining loyal to the the forces of the Burning Legion while most of the rest of her family escaped to Draenor. There she came to be courted by a Vindicator of the Hand of Argus, Tanvir, whom she eventually married and had two children with, a boy they called Hasit, and a girl named Dulari.

Janikaa used her considerable healing skills in the service of the Aldor, becoming a powerful Priestess, and Tanvir worked his way up the ranks of the Hand, stationed in Karabor.

Everything was destroyed with the invasion of the Burning Legion on Draenor. Tanvir was killed holding off a wave of Fel Orcs so that others might escape from the temple, and their children were killed and Janikaa was badly injured in the assault on Shattrath.

Sharply disappointed to find herself still alive after the events of the invasion, she took up her husband's place in the Hand and continues to assist in the fight to hold back the Legion, wherever it takes her people. She has turned away from the power of the Light and begun to learn to wield the forces of the elements in the style brought to them by the Broken Draenei, becoming a Shaman.

Recent Events[]

She is a Seer and a healer with the Hand of Argus under the command of Icolos who formerly worked with her husband.


