Thorium Brotherhood Wiki

Older talk has moved to the Archive. We now have forums for discussion, so this page should only be used to discuss the Main Page itself.

Big Thanks to No!

... For saving us all that trouble and uploading so many of the wiki's pictures! You certainly have my gratitude and I'm sure the gratitude of many others. --Staccato 12:41, 28 February 2007 (UTC)

Graphics and Layout Revamp

Thank you to Staccato who did the majority of the graphics and layout of the wiki. --Im 18:22, 11 July 2007 (UTC)

Who are our Admins?

A list of current Admins can be found here. These were decided on by the server at large via the Official Blizzard Forums. --Im 18:22, 11 July 2007 (UTC)

Deletion Pages

If you want a page deleted follow the instructions on Candidates for Deletion. Please check it occasionally to see if any of your characters have been added to it that you don't want on it. --Im 21:58, 14 September 2007 (UTC)

Correction - Front page

Hey there. Ceirin Windstriker is incorrectly listed as Ceirin Arrowsong on the news page - please correct! Thanks.
