Thorium Brotherhood Wiki


Name: Vulture
Race: Troll (Darkspear)
Class: Priest
Professions: Fishing/Coooking
Age: 19
Birthplace: Stranglethorn Vale
Current Residence: In his (transportable!) tent.
Specialization: Holy/Discipline
Affiliation: Harbingers of War
Appearance: Vulture is... well, not very much like his namesake. He's tall, as most trolls are, and beneath those robes (robes, he swears, not dresses) is a toned form fit for surviving in the wilds. However, he does not appear particularly threatening, and certainly bears no brutal battle scars.

A wild mane of hair sprouts from his scalp and, from there, goes wherever it pleases (direction typically depends on the weather). His eyes are pale blue and his skin, leathery from years spent wandering aimlessly under the sun, shares the same tone as one of those tropical fruits no one has ever heard of and is a little wary of trying. Typically, he can be seen strolling along the shores with his pants rolled up to his knees. He tends to look like a dork no matter what he does.



If you were to look up the definition of naive, Vulture would be scribbled into the margin as an example. He goes about his business with a head full of butterflies, his fishing pole slung over his shoulder and a whistle on his lips. Not much can be said for his intelligence, though he's certainly not an idiot. Just... not quite as sharp as the other tools in the shed.

In summary:

1. He's the sort that very obviously fished away all of his studying time when he was younger.
2. Considering his distracted nature in the battlefield, it is common opinion (mostly from the odd-limbed soldiers he failed to heal) that he should stick to fishing.
3. "He's a nice guy," some would say, "but he clearly spent a little too much time in the chapel, if you know what I mean."
4. Either he's really that oblivious about life, or he's hiding something. The general populance is of the former opinion, but conspirators favor the latter.



Only scraps of information can be recalled of Vulture's youth, mostly due to the fact that he has a horrid memory span that conveniently drops certain subjects. Despite this challenge, it is attested by his adopted mother (Analij) and father (Verdez) that he is one of the reclusive Shatterspear trolls. Why and how he escaped his treacherously located village is unknown, but the story after - which still continues to this day - is easily recalled.

An Unusual Discovery[]

One fine, summer morning, seven years ago, Analij and Verdez were strolling along the shores of southern Durotar. As they meandered along the coast, they noticed in the distance a flock of buzzards circling in the sky. Verdez, being the more adventurous of the pair, jogged ahead to investigate what the birds had found.

He was shocked by what he saw.

Crouched contentedly amongst the rocks was a young, wiry troll. He had constructed a fire and was, at the exact moment his visitor arrived, taking a bite out of one of the buzzards he'd managed to catch and roast. So alarming was Verdez's arrival that the boy's mouth froze around the meat, petrified in mid-chew.

"Um," said the eloquent Verdez.

They stared at each other. Verdez tried to come up with something smart and stylish to say, but he couldn't think of anything. He settled for this:

"Hi. What's your name?"

It was stupid, elementary even; but it worked. As it turned out, the boy refused to give his name (later on, Verdez would discover that this would be due to his status of "stranger" at the time), and was thereon dubbed after his afternoon meal: Vulture.

Life As A Darkspear[]

Our peculiar priest blossomed amongst the Darkspear tribe. His newfound father instructed him on the finer points of fishing and his mother ensured that her culinary talents were passed on to him, though he initially struggled with the concept of proper cooking. As he grew, it became more and more evident that he had a knack for something neither of his parents had ever mastered - healing.

... That is, when he stopped fishing long enough to try it.

History has it that the young troll began to study in the art of priesthood around the age of fifteen. Due to his tendency to daydream, he was never the most adept in his class; but he could cast a little flash of light and make people feel better, and that was all that counted.

Current Times[]

Nowadays, Vulture can be found wandering around Azeroth in search of a good pond. He recently joined up with the Harbingers of War on the basis that it would "be something to do when nothing's biting."
